“WGB” on jewelry refers to “White Gold Bond.” White gold bond is a type of jewelry plating or coating process where a layer of white gold is bonded to another metal, usually a base metal, to give the appearance of white gold without the higher cost of solid white gold. 

The term “WGB” may be used as a mark or indication that the jewelry has undergone this plating or bonding process.

What Is It Worth?

The value of jewelry marked as “WGB” for white gold bond can vary greatly depending on various factors, including the overall quality and condition of the piece, the type and thickness of the white gold bonding, the materials used, the brand or designer, and current market conditions.

The value is primarily based on the underlying base metal, as only a thin layer of white gold is bonded to the surface.

Additionally, white gold bond jewelry may be more susceptible to wear and tear, and the white gold plating may eventually wear off with time and use.

Is It Of Good Quality?

The quality of jewelry marked as “WGB” for white gold bond can vary depending on the specific manufacturing process and materials used by the jewelry maker. 

However, the quality of the underlying base metal, the thickness and durability of the white gold bonding, and the overall craftsmanship of the jewelry can affect its quality.


“WGB” on jewelry typically stands for “White Gold Bond,” which is a plating or bonding process where a layer of white gold is bonded to another metal to create a white gold appearance. 

When evaluating the quality of jewelry marked as “WGB” or any other jewelry, it’s important to consider the specific manufacturer or jeweler, and to purchase from reputable sources. 

Having jewelry evaluated by a qualified jeweler can provide a better understanding of its quality and value. It’s also important to care for and maintain jewelry properly to ensure its longevity and appearance.

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