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GW is a hallmark used by “George Walton’s Gold & Diamond Company” on their jewelry. The company’s operational offices are based out of Anchorage in Alaska.
The company’s founder, George Walton, started out in New Jersey as a small business and after trying his luck in various other places, he finally settled with a base in Anchorage where he opened shop in 1975.
GW found a lucrative niche in Alaska while maintaining some business out-of-state too. They work with high-quality and popular manufacturers such as Martin Flyer and also have their own manufacturing setup for in-house product development.
GW caters to the upper-class niche with extremely high quality and premium crafted diamond and gold jewelry ornaments. Their pricing is extremely high which is a reinforcement of the fact that they deal with a very high-end clientele looking for the very best.
GW’s Unique Value Proposition
George Walton considers this field his passion. He states that his results are guaranteed and that he aims to always deliver more than the set expectations so that the people spending their money always have a justified purchase.

GW’s family was previously engaged in the collector’s business where they sourced mostly gold-based jewels and other ornaments. Presently, the company sources eco-friendly and ethical jewels from the De Beers company.
Even though they have the capabilities to mine, they find it better to outsource this particular function to focus more on the craftsmanship of their final product.
GW’s Portfolio
The company’s principal offering is customized exclusive jewels, some of the popular examples of which are as follows:
- A 26-Carat cushion cut diamond with a gold band
- A 15-Carat diamond mount with a white gold band
GW’s Present Situation
As of July 24, 2021, the U.S Bankruptcy court has ordered a complete liquidation of the “George Walton’s Gold & Diamond Co.” due to undisclosed circumstances. This liquidation involves 175 pieces of fine jewelry with a combined retail value of approximately 3 million US Dollars.

Although the company ceases to exist, its uniquely crafted fine jewelry is still considered to hold value among collectors for its fine craftsmanship and top-notch quality.
GW was mostly known for going out of its way to accommodate its potential clientele in different ways such as flying out to different places for unveilings and offering a “10 Carat Club”.